Kyösti Rautiola,
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd,
kyosti.rautiola (at) vtt.fi,
+358 40 0582246
Business Finland
Toni Mattila,
Program Director,
Connectivity and Intelligent Industries,
Business Finland,
toni.mattila (at) businessfinland.fi,
+358 40 5009909
Jose Costa,
Aalto University,
jose.costa (at) aalto.fi,
+358 50 5770142
Sami Ruponen,
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd,
sami.ruponen (at) vtt.fi,
+358 40 3567660
Sasu Tarkoma,
University of Helsinki,
sasu.tarkoma (at) helsinki.fi,
+358 40 5062163
Olli Liinamaa,
Centre for Wireless Communications,
University of Oulu,
olli.liinamaa (at) oulu.fi,
+358 40 5461418
Jukka Mäkelä,
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd,
jukka.makela (at) vtt.fi,
+358 40 0245504
Jukka Mäkelä,
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd,
jukka.makela (at) vtt.fi,
+358 40 0245504
Timo Sukuvaara,
Finnish Meteorological Institute,
timo.sukuvaara (at) fmi.fi,
+358 40 5294977
Mikko Valkama,
Tampere University,
mikko.valkama (at) tuni.fi,
+358 40 8490756
Jarkko Paavola,
Turku University of Applied Sciences,
jarkko.paavola (at) turkuamk.fi,
+358 40 3550335
Marjo Heikkilä,
Centria Univercity of Applied Sciences,
marjo.heikkila (at) centria.fi,
+358 44 4492507
Aki Happonen,
Savonia University of Applied Sciences,
aki.happonen (at) savonia.fi,
+358 44 785 6033
VTT released Beyond 5G/6G White Paper
/in News /by vttYour guide to reaching new perspectives on the development of 5G towards 6G networks –
download Holistic approach to 6G networks white paper.
5G Test Network Finland (5GTNF) results seminar on 09.09.2021
/in Events /by vtt5GTNF result seminar was arranged on 09.09.2021 at 09.00-16.30 as virtual (Teams) seminar.
The goal of the event was to share information about key results related to 5G evolution technologies solutions for vertical industries and tell about 5GTNF utilization possibilities.
5G Test Network Finland is ecosystem for 5G and beyond technology and service development. It includes state-of-the-art technologies and support development of vertical trials in their real operational environments, more details in 5GTNF web page.
09.00 – 09.05: Opening
09.05 – 11.00 Industry session; 5G evolution status and roadmap;
11.00 – 11.10 10 min break
11.10 – 13.00: Introduction to the latest R&D results
13.00 – 13.30: Lunch break
13.00 – 16.30: Demos and posters session about 5G based solutions for smart
More information about 5GTNF result seminar on:
Kyösti Rautiola (kyosti.rautiola@vtt.fi),
Jose Costa (jose.costa@aalto.fi)
5GTNF result seminar 27. – 28.01.2021
/in Events /by vttWelcome to 5GTNF result seminar – DAY 1 & 2, 27.-28.01.2021
The goal of the event is to share information about key results related to 5G technology R&D and demonstrate solutions for vertical industries.
5G Test Network Finland is ecosystem for 5G and beyond technology and service development. It includes state-of-the-art technologies and support development of vertical trials in their real operational environments, more details in 5GTNF web page.
Program DAY 1, 27.1.2021
Time at 13-15
Place in Teams
Theme 5G technologies and test network integration
13.00 – 13.10 Opening, 5GTNF intro (Kyösti Rautiola, VTT)
13.10 – 14.40 5G key technologies
14.40 – 15.00 Introduction to Developed Test network Infrastructure (VTT, Sami Ruponen)
Register for the DAY 1 here! until 20.1.2021
Program DAY 2, 28.1.2021
Time at 13-15
Place in Teams
Theme 5G vertical trials/demo videos
13.00 – 13.05 Opening, 5GTNF Intro (Kyösti Rautiola, VTT)
13.05 – 15.00 Vertical trials/demo videos
Register for the DAY 2 here! until 20.1.2021
You’ll get a confirmation message after registration, please keep the message, it includes the event participation link. By saving the event on your calendar via the link below, you will find the event participation link also in your calendar.
Both days have a separate registration and participation link.
More information about 5GTNF result seminar on:
Kyösti Rautiola (kyosti.rautiola@vtt.fi),
Jose Costa (jose.costa@aalto.fi)
Kutsu Langattomuus teollisuudessa -työpajaan 9.10.
/in Yleinen /by vttTervetuloa Langattomuus teollisuudessa –työpajaan keskustelemaan, mikä tällä hetkellä estää mobiiliyhteyksiin perustuvien ratkaisujen ja erityisesti 5G:n täysimittaista hyödyntämistä teollisissa sovelluskohteissa.
Työpaja järjestetään virtuaalitapahtumana perjantaina 9.10. klo 12:00-15:00.
Työpajalla haetaan ensisijaisesti sisältöä ja osallistujia käynnistyneeseen Business Finland -hankevalmisteluun, joka jatkaa 5G-Viima hankkeen tutkimusta 5G-verkon teollisista mahdollisuuksista.
Kutsumme erityisesti tuotantolaitosten, teollisuuskampusten ja logistiikkakeskusten edustajia, teknologian ja palveluiden kehittäjiä, julkisen sektorin toimijoita sekä tutkijoita jakamaan ajatuksiaan teollisuuden digitalisaatiosta.
Toivomme työpajaan teollisuuskampuksien edustajien alustuksia omista toimintaympäristöstään ja mobiilin langattomuuden hyödyntämissuunnitelmistaan ja -tavoitteistaan. Alustajana pääset nostamaan esille sinun yrityksellesi tärkeitä aiheita.
Tapahtuma on ilmainen, mutta vaatii rekisteröitymisen: https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/langattomuus_teollisuudessa
Zoom-osallistumislinkki lähetetään tapahtumaan rekisteröityneille.
Marja Matinmikko-Blue, Centre for Wireless Communications, Oulun yliopisto
Olli Liinamaa, Nokia & Centre for Wireless Communications, Oulun yliopisto
5G Test Network Finland (5GTNF) results seminar on 28.8.2020
/in Events /by vtt5G Test Network Finland (5GTNF) results seminar was arranged on 28.8.2020 as virtual meeting. The goal of the event was to share information about key results related to 5G evolution based solutions for vertical industries and tell about 5GTNF utilization possibilities.
5G Test Network Finland is ecosystem for 5G and beyond technology and service development. It includes state-of-the-art technologies and support development of vertical trials in their real operational environments, more details in 5GTNF website.
09.00 – 09.05 Opening
09.05 – 09.20 5G evolution R&D funding roadmap in Business Finland (Arto Pussinen, Business Finland)
09.20 – 11.00 Industry views about 5G evolution roadmap; technologies and applications
11.00 – 11.10 10 min break
11.10 – 13.00 5GTNF Key results introduction and utilization possibilities
13.00 – 13.30 Lunch break
13.30 – 14.00 Regulation status
14.00 – 14.15 Introduction to Eureka/Celtic possibilities (Jari Lehmusvuori, Nokia Bell Labs)
14.15 – 15.15 Celtic-Next project preparations
15.15 – 16.30 Introduction to other preparations
More information about 5GTNF result seminar from:
Kyösti Rautiola (kyosti.rautiola@vtt.fi),
Jose Costa (jose.costa@aalto.fi)
7th CNL demonstration competition at VTT Oulu 18.2.
/in Events /by vttWelcome to the 7th CNL demonstration competition at VTT Oulu on 18 February at 12.15 – 18.00.
Please register here on 14th of February at the latest. The event is free of charge.
The goal of the event is to share, promote and discuss ideas from different projects in the field of the future communication networks, architectures and services.
The event is organized by VTT’s Connectivity Research Area and 5G / Converging Networks Laboratory (CNL).
12:15 Opening and introduction to the event
12:25 Pertti Raatikainen: Future Direction of VTT’s Communications Research
12:45 Ijaz Ahmad: Network security today and tomorrow (5G&Beyond)
13:15 Marko Höyhtyä: New Space Program: From R&D to Payloads and Constellations
13:45 Introduction to Demos
14:00 Coffee Break
14:30 Demo session
15:45 Competition Results – Award Ceremony
16:00 Networking + Snacks&Drinks
18:00 Closing the event
5GTNF Results and Demo Seminar
/in Events /by vttYou are invited to 5GTNF result seminar on 01.11.2019 at Aalto University (A-grid), Otakaari 5 A, 02150 Espoo.
The goal of the event is to share information about key results and demos related to 5G evolution based solutions for vertical industries and tell about 5GTNF utilization possibilities.
5G Test Network Finland is ecosystem for 5G and beyond technology and service development. It includes state-of-the-art technologies and support development of vertical trials in their real operational environments.
Please register here no later than 25 October.
The event is free of charge.
09.00-09.05: Opening
09.05-09.20: Connected and intelligent industries vision and program intro (Toni Mattila, Business Finland)
09.20 – 10.40: Industry visions about future vertical industry use cases and 5G evolution based solutions
10.40 – 10.50: 10 min break
10.50 – 12.30: 5GTNF Key results introduction and utilization possibilities
12.30 – 13.30: Lunch break
13.30 – 16.00: Demos and posters session: 5G technologies and solutions for verticals
More information:
Kyösti Rautiola (kyosti.rautiola@vtt.fi),
Jose Costa (jose.costa@aalto.fi)
Open 5G connection in Finland’s test network now in use
/in News /by vttTest network infrastructure updates announced at the Oulu site. Read more from 5GTN news.
MIDIH Open call 2 is now open for SMEs
/in News /by vttManufacturing Industry Digital Innovation Hubs (MIDIH) is a project co-funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and participating partners. The project has cascade funding for European SMEs.
MIDIH Call-2 targets the development of data driven applications, by IT SMEs as technology providers, and experiments in Cyber Physical Systems preferably by Manufacturing SMEs.
The open call aims at complementing functionalities around MIDIH reference architecture and performing experiments in CPS/IOT based on the components provided by the architecture. The experiments must cover one of the three main scenarios: Smart Factory or Smart Product or Smart Supply chain.
Link to open call details, guidelines and proposal template is https://midih.eu/opencall_2.php
5G Test Network Finland (5GTNF) ecosystem aims at 5G and beyond technologies and solutions for several industries
/in News /by vttCommercialization of the first 5G network generation is starting. At the same time, Beyond 5G (B5G) R&D and utilization of AI and novel cyber security concepts are ramping up and offering excellent business opportunities to both telecom and vertical industries. General goal of 5G Test Network Finland (5GTNF) is to fill the gap between laboratory-based testing environments and commercial network deployments, offer trialing support, and tailored infrastructures for telecom and vertical industries and strengthen position of Finland in B5G R&D and utilization of 5G, artificial intelligence (AI) and novel cyber security concepts.
“5GTNF is open and evolving ecosystem supporting Beyond 5G technology research and validation, vertical industry product development and pioneer company experiments”, says Toni Mattila, Connected Intelligent Industries Finland Program Director from Business Finland. The focus of work is on 5G and beyond communication concepts, development towards smart networks and 6G, utilization of AI in radio resource and network management and vertical use case implementations utilizing B5G telecom, AI and cyber security concepts. Achievement of targets requires close co-operation between telecom and vertical area technology and business experts.
Integration of test environments in multiple locations and centralized management of resources enable flexible support to 5G and beyond technologies and services research, development and validation
“Vertical systems providers need a test environment to develop 5G/B5G-based applications and services, and telecom industry needs a test environment based on real vertical system and service requirements”, says Marjo Uusi-Pantti, 5G Momentum project manager from Traficom. The common core of the ecosystem is platform project focusing B5G, cyber security and AI research, development of common test network modules and development and integration of test network. In addition, the ecosystem has several vertical projects focusing on vertical specific technology R&D, development of vertical specific technology components and solutions and implementation of vertical trials. Vertical projects are focusing on solutions needed by smart industries, cities and living, mobility and health and wellbeing.
5GTNF is a joint effort from industry, academia and Finnish government including network manufacturers, operators, technology and R&D service providers, testing systems and tools manufacturers, vertical industry application developers, public organizations and research organizations. The best R&D partners in Finland and abroad are working closely together to achieve to world class results. “One of the key result is open test platform for Finnish business activities utilizing 5G technologies”, says Kyösti Rautiola, 5GTNF ecosystem manager, Principal Scientist from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.