High potential lays in the more and more decentralized energy production and storage in Europe. However, the emerging flexibility potential can currently not be used due to a missing technological, economical, and legal base. DECENT targets all three aspects. The project develops an ICT solution for cross-commodity sharing and management of energy (electricity, heating, cooling and storage) in smart neighbourhoods. Based on the novel infrastructure, business models will be evaluated. Relevant legal implications will be assessed and recommendations towards policy makers will be given. The project follows an agile, iterative development process by setting up a virtual smart neighbourhood that consists of real hardware and co-simulations distributed at the partner’s sites. The continuously tested ICT solution enables local decentralized energy trading through blockchain technology, taking into account the interests of all stake holders. The linking of different energy resources is supported by AI and enables their optimal use across building boundaries. The evaluation of the resulting new business models leads to recommendations regarding the current legal framework.
More information:
Markus Taumberger,
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd,
markus.taumberger (at),
+358 50 4652474