7th CNL demonstration competition at VTT Oulu 18.2.

Welcome to the 7th CNL demonstration competition at VTT Oulu on 18 February at 12.15 – 18.00.

Please register here on 14th of February at the latest. The event is free of charge.


The goal of the event is to share, promote and discuss ideas from different projects in the field of the future communication networks, architectures and services.

The event is organized by VTT’s Connectivity Research Area and 5G / Converging Networks Laboratory (CNL).


12:15 Opening and introduction to the event

12:25 Pertti Raatikainen: Future Direction of VTT’s Communications Research

12:45 Ijaz Ahmad: Network security today and tomorrow (5G&Beyond)

13:15 Marko Höyhtyä: New Space Program: From R&D to Payloads and Constellations

13:45 Introduction to Demos

14:00 Coffee Break

14:30 Demo session

15:45 Competition Results – Award Ceremony

16:00 Networking + Snacks&Drinks

18:00 Closing the event