Aalto 5G research infrastructure
Aalto 5G research infrastructure in Otaniemi provides 4G and 5G mobile network for experiments. 5G networks include network slicing where different mobiles receive different network resources in terms of speed or delay.
Aalto 5G research infrastructure in Otaniemi also provides support for NB-IOT that allows connecting sensors across the campus and visualize the information for post-processing by researchers. The NB-IOT platform will be used in IoT hackathon.
The platform serves research in the areas of
- Communications engineering
- Networking technology
- Mobile and edge computing
- Gaming
- IOT hackathon
- Industrial Internet i.e. URLLC and IoT (AALTO Industrial Internet Campus)
Jose Costa-Requena,
Aalto University,
jose.costa (at),
+358 50 5770142
Sami Ruponen,
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd,
sami.ruponen (at),
+358 40 3567660